The Management Control is the set of tools with which the management at various levels shall ensure that the conduct of activities is taking place according to the objectives. Provides information to support decisions and measure the results of the business areas and activities.
Associated software:
Easy Costing,
Easy ABM
The Analytical Accounting is closely linked to management control, processing data on the level of business efficiency with which resources are employed. The AC supply The company is divided into organizational units called cost centers, divided in turn into productive, auxiliaries, indirect.In a system for determining product costs, the cost elements are accumulated by cost center then assigned to products.
Associated Software:
Easy Costing
The ABC Activity Based Costing, an evolution of C.A., considers the resources consumed by products, but the activities that are carried out to obtain and distribute them. This method therefore suggests to replace the traditional activities as a cost center aggregation of information, trying to determine the contribution of business to support the process of creating customer value.
Associated Software:
Easy ABM